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Our Ministries

Open Door operates in Five Functions of ministry as well as provides community services through Resources & Support Ministries. Each function has several small group ministries that enables the membership to grow in relationship and maturity in Christ. We exist to CELEBRATE God (Worship) building a COMMUNITY of believers (Fellowship) who are CARING  for one another (Service), striving towards COMPLETION (Discipleship) and fulfilling our COMMISSION (Evangelism)

"We exist to CELEBRATE God as we bring souls to Christ"

"Building a COMMUNITY of believers"


"Who are CARING for one another"

"...and strive towards COMPLETION"

"As we fulfill our COMMISSION in this world"

The primary function of the church is to glorify God. Worship occurs when we ascribe to God the worth of which He is worthy. Each Sunday we gather for worship. During this time we enter into the very presence of God and experience the intimacy of a personal relationship with the Awesome God. As we worship together we affirm what we believe.


Levitical Worshipers | Musicians | James Ballard Celebration Choir | Destined for Greatness (D4G) | True Lights Children's Choir | Audio Ministry | Drama Ministry | Destiny Dancers | Destiny Achievers | Production Ministry (Media/Marketing/Video) 


Christian fellowship grows out of fellowship with God. Fellowship is a joining together in common purpose as Christians. The New Testament portrayal of the church is one of people sharing together and depending upon one another.


Men's Fellowship | Women's Fellowship | Marriage Enrichment Ministry | S.W.A.P. (Singles With A Purpose) Ministry | Seniors Ministry | Youth / Young Adult Ministry | Children's Ministry | Outreach to Youth | New Member's Class


The church provides channels for service. God gives ministry responsibility to every Christian. Spiritual gifts are given by the Holy Spirit to every Christian to fulfill ministry and service responsibilities.


Ushers | Courtesy Officers | Culinary Ministry | Adjutants | Nurses/Health | "U.-C.A.N. Serve"


An effective church develops spiritually maturing Christians through disciple making. As a result of discipleship, the life of the church is changed.


Journey Through The Word | New Pathway Ministries | Spiritual Life Education| Sunday School | Deaf Ministry


The church was formed for the purpose of witnessing to the world. Evangelism consists of believers sharing the gospel with lost persons. It's the good news spoken by believers and lived out in their lives.


Doors to Kindness | Fisher's of Men | Restoration Prison Ministry | Global Missions

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© 2025 by Open Door Mission True Light Church.

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